Plants are People too: Botany Podcast
Centering around the topics of botany, taxonomy, native flora, ecological and the evolutionary traits of plants, this podcast is designed to bring attention to and broaden the botanical knowledge of it's audience. While we can't know everything, with this podcast I hope to spark ideas and curiosity of the audience to dig deeper into botanical realms. Primarily focused on the native flora of North American, and in particular, New England, the majority of the topics and botanical species discussed will pertain to the Northeast region of the United States. Enjoy.Send Questions, Show Ideas or anything botanically relevant to or on IG @plants.are.people.too
Plants are People too: Botany Podcast
Episode 16: Amanda Weise Research Botanist with the Minnesota Landscape Arboretum, Non-Orthodox Plant Species, Butternuts (Juglans cinerea), Rhodiola (rosea and integrifolia, Disjunct Plant Species
February 27, 2022
Amanda Weise, Minnesota Landscape Arboretum
Season 1
Episode 16
In Episode 16: I am joined by Amanda Weise, research Botanist with the Minnesota Landscape Arboretum in Chaska, MN to discuss some of the things the arboretum is doing as part of it's mission. This includes vascular plant seed banking, terrestrial orchid germination research, and butternut conservation. In this episode, Amanda shares some of her identification techniques for Juglans cinerea and some of the management techniques that are going into the conservation of this historical northeastern and upper midwestern species. Also in this episode, Amanda shares with us some information on Rhodiola integrifolia, and some ponderings and research she's done on disjunct plant species. Enjoy.