Plants are People too: Botany Podcast

Episode 18: Tanner Filyaw, Plant Propagation Manager with United Plant Savers, Non-Timber Forest Products, Ginseng (Panax quinquefolius), and Growing Wild-Simulated Woodland Medicinal Plants for Native Plant Conservation

March 13, 2022 Tanner Filyaw, United Plant Savers Season 1 Episode 18

In Episode 18 we have special guest Tanner Filyaw, Plant Propagation Manager with United Plant Savers on the show to talk about non-timber forest products including American Ginseng (Panax quinquefolius), Goldenseal (Hydrastis canadensis), forest farming and conservation techniques for medicinal plant conservation as well as a little on White Ash (Fraxinus americanus).

Visit the United Plant Savers Website to become a member:

A little about UPS from the webiste

Mission Statement:

United Plant Savers’ mission is to protect native medicinal plants and fungi, and their habitats while ensuring renewable populations for use by generations to come.

Vision Statement:

Medicinal species are readily available and are harvested and cultivated with practices that protect native plants, fungi, and their habitats and that embody the principles of reciprocity, right livelihood, and biocultural diversity.

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