Plants are People too: Botany Podcast

Episode 19: Greg Nelson (@thebogboy) Tries Moxie™ Soda for the First Time and Tells Us How to Set Up a Bog Plant Garden

March 20, 2022 Greg Nelson @thebogboy Season 1 Episode 19

Episode 19 is brought to you by Moxie™ (not really, but I'm open). Today we have Greg Nelson @thebogboy  from San Diego, California on the podcast to share his knowledge about growing some bog species (both carnivorous and not) on your own property.

Greg shares about the beginning steps on container choice, where to get ethically grown plants and how to propagate your own, aspect, watering and long term care, as well as some points for Northeastern growers.

Some of the species discussed are Dionaea  (Venus Fly Trap), Darlingtonia (Cobralily), Nepenthes, Sarracenia  (PitcherPlant),  Drosera  (Sundews),  Pinquicula  (Butterwort), Utricularia (bladderwort), Sabatia and Xyris  (Yellow-eyed grass) as well as some orchid species. 

Remember a lot of these plants are endangered or threatened in their native range. If you're interested in native species consider donating to a local plant conservation group or joining  a local botanical society. If you do purchase plants of ANY species make sure they're coming from a reputable and ethical source (either by seed or cloning from seed grown root stock). 


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