Plants are People too: Botany Podcast
Centering around the topics of botany, taxonomy, native flora, ecological and the evolutionary traits of plants, this podcast is designed to bring attention to and broaden the botanical knowledge of it's audience. While we can't know everything, with this podcast I hope to spark ideas and curiosity of the audience to dig deeper into botanical realms. Primarily focused on the native flora of North American, and in particular, New England, the majority of the topics and botanical species discussed will pertain to the Northeast region of the United States. Enjoy.Send Questions, Show Ideas or anything botanically relevant to plantsarepeopletoopodcast@gmail.com or on IG @plants.are.people.too
Plants are People too: Botany Podcast
Episode 27: Seed Germination Experiments, Clear Cuts Vs. Patch Cuts and Digital Herbariums
Tom Groves
Season 2
Episode 6
In Episode 26 I discuss some of my germination experiments for this season (plant your native seeds outside now!) for Spiranthes incurva, Lobelia dortmanna and kalmii as well as Parnassia glauca. I also discuss the differences between a "Clear Cut" vs. a "Patch Cut" and what the benefits of these types of management strategies are for increasing biodiversity and for wildlife. I also talk about digital herbariums and their benefits and what I've found! Enjoy!